I went for a fairly long run this morning, around 55 minutes. I decided to run around Dolores Park, which is just down the street from my house. The whole park is on a hill, which gave me the opportunity to do some hill training. I ran hard up and over the Church street hill, which was a first for me - I was never insane enough to try it before.

I met up with some other team in training people at Aquatic Park in the evening to try and get some more open water practice. The water was pretty rough, but it was sunny out, and the water didn't seem quite as cold as usual. The waves were breaking on top of me at times, which resulted in an above average bay-water-consumption-rate *blech*. I had to adjust my breathing to avoid inhaling the oncoming waves so I know the lake swimming will be quite a bit easier than this was. I still had a hard time going straight, and spent a lot of time and distance zigzagging around trying to get to the next bouy. All in all, I felt okay about the swim, I just hope I can get lucky and go on a straight(ish) course for the race.