Sunday, March 05, 2006

Week 5 is over - with much of it spent in Tahoe

So I didn't stick to my training schedule that closely due to my going to Tahoe for the weekend. Wednesday was a coached run at Kezar, but I decided to do it on my own instead so that I could attend a convention-thingy in the evening.

So here's a quick recap of my week:

Wednesday - rode my bike to Kezar and did the Pro (hardest) running workout. I felt great. After the workout I decided to try running one lap as fast as I could, and was shocked to see my pace meter showing 5:15! I've never run a lap that fast in my life! Don't get me wrong, I certainly couldn't have kept that pace up for a mile, but it was still exciting. After that I rode my bike the 4 miles or so home.

Thursday - Since I was leaving for Tahoe on Thursday, I decided to try to squeeze in some extra exercise. I did a long, but not very intense, bike ride with Josh and then followed it up with the elite swim which included 5 250's in a row. It was quite a lot for one day, but I knew I was going to missing some of the weekend training, so it was worth it. I quite proud of my progress in swimming - I may not be a pro yet, and I'm even hesitant to call myself an "elite" swimmer, but I do think that I have graduated from "beginner" status.

Week 5 Summary:

Duration (Min) Distance Calories
Swimming 115 2.08 826
Biking 147 21.9 973
Running 65 6.3 652
Snowboarding 480 ? ?
TOTAL 807 30.28 2451

So... week 5 doesn't look so impressive, but keep in mind that this was only 3 days of training (half of my usual training week). Plus, I'm sure I burned tons of calories snowboarding. My friend Byron took his heart monitor with him and burned almost 3500 calories in just 3 hours of boarding. Granted he is about twice my size, but if we scale that down to Zack-calories, I would guess that I burned roughly 3000 calories during my two days of snowboarding.

Here's a fun graph for you - my speed over time:

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